Catherine Daggett

From the moment I told Jesus, "I open my heart to you, show me what you can do," I changed.
I’ve known Christ my whole life from growing up in a Christian household, and regularly attending Sunday school up until 13. It was then when I finished Sunday school, I realised I had no relationship with Christ and that sitting through sermons was a chore. I felt empty and lost, like many of my friends at the time. I was forced weekly to attend a youth growth group, which I despised as I felt lost with no faith.
At 14, my life changed when I was challenged by a youth leader to open my heart to Jesus to see the wonders He could do. I didn’t believe her, but I complied as I was interested to see what Jesus could do – if anything.
From the moment I told Jesus, “I open my heart to you, show me what you can do,” I changed. I was filled with fullness and there was joy within me. I still struggled a lot, but the difference was I wasn’t alone – I had Jesus by my side. My relationship with Him wasn’t instant or perfect – in fact it’s still growing.
The fact is, I was lost but now I’m found! Jesus is too amazing to let go and on October 17th, 2021, I got baptised. I’m currently on my gap year and I’m off to South America following Christ calling to me to serve Him and share the utter joy that comes with knowing Christ.