Theo Quick

Knowing the church family is praying for me, and worshipping with them on a Sunday morning when I’m not working, is a massive encouragement.
Hi, I’m Theo and I’m a firefighter. I have come to Hockliffe Street since I was born, being raised a Christian and growing in my faith at home and in the youth work here at the church.
In the summer of 2018, I attended my first ‘Christians in Sport’ Sports Plus Camp and decided to commit my life to Jesus fully, getting baptised on Easter Sunday 2019. I have since attended the same camp every year, growing in my faith and creating lasting friendships with other Christians my age, who have similar interests and personalities.
After finishing school, I joined the Fire Service as a firefighter, starting the career I have always wanted and always felt called by God to be in. The Fire Service – alongside the wider blue light community – desperately needs Jesus. The incidents we attend create questions about life and our physical and mental wellbeing are tested. I wholeheartedly believe the answer to both these is Jesus, and so I seek to live and work in this job to share Jesus and serve others, standing out in doing so.
Knowing the church family is praying for me, and worshipping with them on a Sunday morning when I’m not working, is a massive encouragement. I am one of the leaders of Souled Out on Friday evening, a group for young people in school years 5-8 to learn more about Jesus and have fun together. Seeing the young people grow through their time in the group and being a part of that is great. Playing the drums as part of the worship team and being on the sound desk team have been great ways to use the gifts God has given me to serve in the church.