Linda Smallridge

My prayer was answered, because it says in the Bible "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.”
My late husband was an alcoholic, life was very unhappy and difficult, because although he was an accomplished builder and sought after for his expertise, the drinking took its toll. We were in lots of debt, and he was a monster at times. I was desperately unhappy and helpless.
Being so unbalanced, I was looking for ways to escape and about to do some crazy things. But when my little dog was ill and had to be put to sleep, I could not stop crying, so much so that I was in a fever and was admitted to hospital.
Whilst I was there the lady in the bed next to me was talking to me about Jesus and His love. She convinced me that I needed Jesus by sharing her own faith. After I had recovered and returned home, I joined a Baptist church and very soon became a Christian and was baptized. My husband at first was very cross, but then he began to see a change in me and encouraged me.
A few years later my husband developed lung cancer, and only lived for six months after being diagnosed. I kept begging him to give his life to Jesus. Then when he was in the hospice and at the end of his life, he talked with the Hospital Chaplain, opened up to him and said he believed in Jesus.
My prayer was answered, because it says in the Bible “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.”
Since then, I have married again, and we both love Jesus. We continue to pray for all our family and friends, talking to them and anyone else that wants to listen, about what Jesus has done for us and why we believe in Him. He is our redeemer, and He gave His life to save us. God really does answer prayer.